Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Carol

By Charles Dickens

One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is reading Dickens' classic every year.

Some movie adaptations make this wonderful little gem seem more like a story of terror and ghosts more suited for Halloween than Christmas. Don't be fooled!

Dickens' classic tale in his original format is perfect for Christmas. A tale of rebirth and changing for the better, next to scriptures I consider this to be the story of the true meaning of Christmas.

A short and easy read for older readers this is a Christmas story not to be missed.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Autobiography of Santa Claus

As told to Jeff Guinn

This week we've been learning about the origin of Santa Claus. One of our sources is a great book I discovered a few years ago. Reading this in December is one of my personal holiday traditions.

This is a really fun and informative book about the good Saint Nicholas born in Lycia (Modern day Turkey) about 280 A.D. and how he evolved into the jolly man we know and love today.

Rating: ***

Recommended: For fifth grade and up.